About Southbranch Nursery Co.
The Southbranch Nursery Co. & Quality Land Management Story
In autumn 1992, with just $150.00 in his pocket, founder Dean Higbee purchased a used Snapper leaf blower.
It was the fall leaf season, and his goal was to provide leaf removal to anyone willing to pay. He called his new company Quality Land Management.
A year later, Southbranch Nursery Co. was in full swing; with a pile of mulch, twenty pots of mums and a 1958 David Brown tractor. In an old dump truck, Southbranch Nursery Co. sold and delivered mulch to homes and businesses throughout the county.
Today Quality Land Management provides lawn and landscape maintenance for over 200 commercial and residential properties, and has become one of the most recognized names in Middle Tennessee.
Southbranch Nursery Co. now has two full-service locations and stocks hundreds of varieties of plants and trees, and a great selection of garden products, accessories, and gifts. Our customers include beginner DIY folks, experienced master gardeners, and some of the most successful landscape companies in Middle Tennessee.
Visit one of our locations today. Our friendly experienced staff is ready and willing to serve you!
Southbranch Nursery Co. is a member of the following organizations:
Start shopping now for spring plant delivery!
We are proud to be a provider of Monrovia’s plants that Grow Beautifully®. You will recognize the green Monrovia pot but it’s what is going on inside that pot that makes a difference. Each of the 2,300 plant varieties they grow is nurtured in a customized soil mix that helps develop a strong root system and thus a healthy plant that will flourish in your garden. Monrovia has introduced hundreds of improved plant varieties that are bred to be more pest and disease resistant and/or with improved characteristics such as increased flower or fruit production, or unique color or shape. For ideas and inspiration, visit www.monrovia.com and sign up for their plant savvy newsletter.
Start shopping now for spring plant delivery!
We are proud to be a provider of Monrovia’s plants that Grow Beautifully®. You will recognize the green Monrovia pot but it’s what is going on inside that pot that makes a difference. Each of the 2,300 plant varieties they grow is nurtured in a customized soil mix that helps develop a strong root system and thus a healthy plant that will flourish in your garden. Monrovia has introduced hundreds of improved plant varieties that are bred to be more pest and disease resistant and/or with improved characteristics such as increased flower or fruit production, or unique color or shape. For ideas and inspiration, visit www.monrovia.com and sign up for their plant savvy newsletter.

2991 S Church St
Murfreesboro, TN 37127
P: 615-893-4030
6941 Nolensville Rd.
Brentwood, TN 37027
P: 615-776-1818